Saturday, April 28, 2012 0 comments

definisi Pacar menurut pacar gue

Definisi pacar menurut pacarku neh >>
[RAKA] said that :
Pacar itu dapat diartikan menjadi 3 hal ; Teman, Sahabat dan Orang Tersayang
Yang pertama Teman;  sebagai tempat curhat kita, tempat berbagi. Jadi klo kita lagi ngalamin hal hal yang bikin seneng ato yang bikin kesel curhatin aja ke pacar. Pacar pasti bakal mau dengerin semua curhatan kamu. Makanya cari pacar yang kaya prudential, always listening, always understanding. Hhehe *promo

Yang kedua Sahabat ; Sahabat tu dah naik satu tingkat yaa dari seorang temen biasa. Sahabat yang dimaksud disini tu orang yang selalu ada saat dibutuhin ato gak dibutuhin. Bukan pas lagi butuh nyari-nyari sahabat trus pas lagi gak butuh dicuekin. GAK gitu [!]

Yang ketiga, yang terakhir neh ; Orang Tersayang
Orang tersayang tuuu ya berarti orang yang paling disayangi. Pastinya gak mau dong kehilangan orang yang kita sayang??? Nah.. pacar tu kan orang yang kita sayang, ya berarti kita gak mau kehilangannya kan? Klo pacar ilang emang kita mo nyari kemana? Ke pasar? Ke hutan? Hhehe… “
Nah.. itu penjelasan tentang pacar menurut pacarku seh tapi ku tambah-tambahin dikit lah biar kliatan banyak. kan fungsi pacar juga harus melengkapi satu sama lain (cieeee….)  gak nyangka juga pacarku bisa ngomong bijak gitu, super sekali.. serasa Mario Teguh. Hahha  :D

Yah.. begitulah sedikit definisi tentang apa itu pacar,pendapat orang kan beda beda. Ya yang ku jelasin diatas belum tentu sama dan spendapat sama apa yang klian fikirkan. Ya kan?? Hehehe
So, pesenku cuma 1 : “pesen nasi goreng 1 dibungkus ya bang….” (Hahaha.. becanda, serius amat. Hhee )
Pasenku (serius neh) : Cintailah pacar kalian [!] dengan tulus pastinya… :) 

apa seh pacar?

Pacar? apa seh pacar itu ?
Pacarku mana? Emang ku punya pacar? Jadi pacarku??? Hhehehe *ngaco*
Rata rata kebanyakan orang di dunia ini pasti punya pacar ato mungkin bisa dibilang pendamping hidup (bhsa tingkat tinggi), tapi belum tentu mereka bisa mendefinisikan apa itu pacar.
Pacar  ituuu sebenernya bukan hal yang harus terdefinisikan dengan jelas. Karena apa? Ya karena emang susah mendefinisikan apa itu pacar,. hahaha :D palagi buat orang yang gak puitis kaya aku ne, klo mungkin buat orang –orang yang kul jurusan Sastra B.indonesia ato yang matkul b.indonesianya dapet A (yang jelas bukan aku ) pasti gampang banget buat mereka merangkai kata kata yang mungkin bisa dibilang romantis tapi tetep menuruti EYD ato Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan ( #NAHLOH jadi ngomong ngelantur kemana mana -_-“ )
Back to topic >> Pacar
Bertahan satu paaacaar, bertahan satu P.A.C.A.R ( Lho.. salah lirik ya? Hhehehe)
pacar.. pacar.. pacar *masi terus mikir*
TAU aaahh… ku juga bingung. Yang pasti tu aku punya pacar. Ya udaaaaaaaaaahhh… hhhaha :D
bingung itu ketika pacar kita nanya ke kita apa definisi pacar itu !

Bingung kan mo jawab apa. Mo dibilang yang baik baik ntar dibilang boong, mo dibilang yang jelek jelek ya gak mungkin juga ntar dikira ucapan itu doa. Ntar yang ada malah salah ngomong krna gak sesuai dengan kenyataan.huuhh
Saran gue buat klian yang lagi diposisi kaya gitu mending Diem alias no comment aja , klo mo ngeles gampang… alihin aja pembicaraan ato klo gak lo nanya blik ke dia. “ Apa itu pacar?
Nah….  Pasti bakal di jawab tu ma dia
Kenapa ku bisa tau? Ya karena Itu sama kayak yang brusan ku alamin..
dari situlah ku dapet pencerahan (cieelahh) sekaligus jawaban dari pertanyaan “Apa itu pacar?
Mo tau???? Kasi tau gak ya.. kasi tau gak yaaaaa…
Oke oke sabar sabar. Hehe
Friday, April 27, 2012 0 comments

a song about love n friendship

This is my favorite song, this song tell about love and friendship, this song made by my boyfriend, in truth this lyrics is Indonesian Language, But because this is my English task so I translate it into English language
Check this out :
F irst, When I meet you
I want to know about you
Althought just be a friend I want
But you considered me as your best friend
All past by passing the time
A love feeling grow in my heart
But I can’t tell you
Cause I shy and cause you are my friend
But I feel the different in yourself
Its make me think that you have a same felling like me who love you
I accept your love
And I put it in my heart
And I sure it was in a deep of my heart in special place
Cause  you are the best and you are the most beautiful thing in my life
I love my bestfriend… my bestfriend is you
I love my best friend and that is you…
i love my bestfriend.. because I love you…..

Friend be a love? Why not?

Friend be a love? Why not?
Friendship is very unique story. Everybody in this world have their own stories and its different each others.
So what is friend?
someone who care on you?
someone who understand you?
Yes….. Friend is all them even more than that.
True friend is:
·          who stay beside you whenever you sad
·          who care and understand you
·          who stick you up whenever you put down
·          who trust you
·          who can always make you smile
·          who will never judge you
·          who can never forget you
and friend is the most precious gift from GOD. than, we must always thank to God Allah for giving us a friend, actually best friend^^
In friendship always colouring by many experience, sadness, and happiness, to love, to be love, to be hurt, to be disappointed, to be care, to be listen, to be ignore, to be help etc but it will make the friendship stronger.
Everyone in tis world are different, different culture, different country, religion, language, gender, and others. but from the differences we can learn each others and it will be one heart, because friend complement each other accept the advantages and disadvantages. and friend always do anything together.
Often we meet and find, we see many stories about friendship  and love.  Many people think that friendship will end by love, actually for who make a relationship with different gender,its between man and woman ( of course… -.-“) and that is what happened on me now.
Firtsly I feel confuse to choose between love and friendship. Why????? Because I affraid, if only breakup after, our relationship which begin by friend become a love will ended  be an enemy, and of course I can’t be his friend again. But, after I think long time,I dont care about it, cause as I know now I love him and He love Me. and I dont care what others thinking about us. Let times answers what will happen in future .. [?]
no one know.
And Now I sure and believe that love come by habit. when We usually share our stories together and begin from it, a love grow in my heart.
So that is my little story about my love.
emmm… and I wanna say thanks to my friends… my best friends… my boyfriend and all who know me. My best friends in this college, actually in this class. I have considered you as my family. They are : Aida Fantia, Sukmasari Septi Nastiti and Bella Fajar Budiarti. who always stay beside me and never let me alone. A place for sharing all my stories . who always help me when I need.  Althougt we come from different country and different culture. I feel enjoy when I with them. And I feel so alone when Iam not with them.
and I say thanks to my boyfriend. He is my friend and He is my love too. who always care on me, who always make me smilling whenever. He make my day more colourfull in this college. He is one reason of my happiness.   I wish our relationship as a friend and as a love will not end.
Friendship is a beautiful relationship, where love is present to give a smile and coloring Friendship. Without Love, Friendship will be fill with disappointed, hate, angry, and the things that make a friendship broken. Stop making a line between love and friendship, let them still be  a good friend. Love is not a destroyer of friendship, but love beautify our friendship
